You might be prone to locking your car keys in the car . If you are, this article is for you. Even if you’re not prone to doing this, there may come a time when you unknowingly, lock your keys in the car. By reading this article, you’ll know exactly how to avoid doing this. This is a problem that can really frustrate and upset a person. When you’re in a hurry, locking your keys in the car is rather easy to do. If it hasn’t happened to you you’re usually even more upset because their isn’t anyone to blame but yourself. This means you’re not only frustrated and irritated but the more you realize that it was your fault; you become upset. However, you can avoid this from happening to you if you take heed to some of the things we have to share with you at KTB Marietta Locksmith in Marietta, GA. We just happen to receive most service calls related to keys being locked in the car. This means that if it happens to you, you can be sure that it is also happening to someone else at the same time...